Diagrammatics Bibliography:
- Benson 2014. Cosmigraphics, Picturing Space through Time.
- Chatelet 1993. Science & Philosophy.
deFreitas & Sinclair. Diagram, gesture, agency; Theorizing embodiment in the mathematics classroom.
- Deleuze, Gilles. 1986. Foucault.
Deleuze & Guattari.
- 1980. A Thousand Plateaus.
- 1991. What is Philosophy?.
Doruff, Sher.
- Diagrammatic Praxis.
- Diagrammatics, portals of entry.
- ANY 1998. Diagram Work 23.
- Eidelzstein 2009. Graph of Desire.
- ed Rojo & Zechner 2008. Vocabulaboratories.
- Francis 1987. Topological Picturebook.
- Gangle 2016. Diagrammatic Immanence; Category Theory & Philosophy.
- Guattari, Felix 1989. Schizoanalytic Cartographies.
- Hawkins. Douglas Oliver's Diagram Poems.
- Jagodzinski & Wallin 2013. Arts-Based Research, Critique & Proposal.
- Joselit. Dada's Diagrams.
Knoespel, Kenneth.
- Diagrammatic writing.
- Diagrammatic transformation of architectural space.
- Diagrams as piloting devices in Deleuze.
- Diagrams, anthropology of space.
- Models, diagrams within the cognitive field.
- Petrus crinitus, inventors of the alphabet.
- When the sky was paper.
- Dante's cranes, reading as migration.
- Word, image in multimedia.
Lacan, Jacques.
- Leborg 2004. Visual Grammar.
- Mitchell. Diagrammatology.
- Spencer. Critical Matter of the Diagram.
- Stjernfelt. Diagrammatology, on Phenomenology, Ontology, Semiotics.
- Zdebik. Deleuze & the Diagram.
Diagrams Archive: